Hello people,
So it's my week at home, my week away from work, which most people think is a total luxury, but when you're away from everything and everyone for two weeks in isolation on a mine site, which is basically where fashion and culture go to die (meaning it's non existent) life can be pretty rough. To say I do not fit in is an understatement. Any way so it's my week at home and for once it's been nice and relaxing.
My nails however would have preferred I stayed at work. The reason being I went indoor rock climbing with Si (aka Simon) my newest house mate. And went bananas like a little monkey up the walls, bouldering and grappling, using muscles I forgot I had. And completely and utterly destroyed my nails they are in serious need of attention. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Partially because the harness's puts the male appendage shall we say at the forefront of attention, but more so because poor Si was in major discomfort by the time we had finished and continued to lament about his "aching balls" when we were in the grocery store much to the surprise of our fellow customers.
I've also been out mini golfing but the weather couldn't make up it's mind about what it wanted to do, sunshine, overcast and drizzle all vying to take out the day. We (Si and myself) stopped past the local markets and picked up some incense, Naga Champa of course and a few others, I'm personally loving the vanilla and cinnamon it smells divine.
Today was spent walking down at the local beach and the sun was shining. Hooray! Don't get me wrong I love winter but there's something about a summery day, when the lawn's freshly mown and the smell of sunscreen mingles with sweat.. I'm a true beach bunny at heart, like every West Aussie girl I think. It makes me feel alive. However the surf was rather choppy and not the best for swimming. The local surfers were out in force, all black wet suits, shiny like seals amongst the waves. So Si and myself sat perched a top the huge limestone boulders that arc out into the sea and ate ice cream and drank iced tea, watching the waves hurl themselves upon the rocks time and time again.
I'd love to discover some more fashion blogs so if any body has one, or knows of one I should look into post it via a comment and I'll have a look.
I'm off to go eat spaghetti left overs from last night and attempt to save what's left of my nails.
Little Miss C