Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Scrabble times all around

So here's an update;

02-11-09- I spent my entire day working and sleeping not a cent was spent. (Or doing anything else remotely interesting for that matter)

03-11-09- Melbourne Cup Day. The race that stops a nation, that nation being Australia of course. Beautiful frocks and hats abounded across raceways around the country. But alas I was at work in the outback. Wearing my depressive smurf oufit, that shall never see the light of day beyond the work place! So I could only peruse fashion magazines and blogs in my break thinking up dream outfits I could wear if I was only back in the 'real world'. Before moving on to a fierce game of Scrabble. Result I won thanks in part to the word 'hinted' in the dying moves of the game.

One Kit Kat was purchased (can you tell I have a penchant for chocolate...) $2.00, plus $6.00 was spent on Cup sweeps (I felt obligated to participate, it was about the only Melbourne Cup action I was likely to see).

Which brings us to TODAY, huzzah.

04-11-09- After dragging my lazy arse out of bed which in itself was a complete and utter mission. I have spent my day working.. How surprising. Thus far I have been defending my love of Twilight to a bunch of complete non readers (and males at that) whilst sipping on my only purchase of the day a bottle of water $1.80. (The water is a necessity so don't chastise me for drinking bottled water as we have no other option out here). Which brings my grand total spent so far to a whopping:


Which to be honest I don't feel too bad about. What does the average person spend in a week on such items I wonder? Any one care to let me know about their shopping habits? Well off to peruse more fashion sites and zines. I've fallen in love with some black leggings with cut out details. They are quite simply amazing. Guess you'll find out soon enough if I succumb and purchase them...Or the vintage maxi kimono dress I have my eye on Ebay....LOVE at first sight.. Hopefully I win. Regardless of what it does to my weekly total.

Wish me luck I'm off down shopping lane

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