Sunday, August 1, 2010

Death of a Manicure

Hello people,

So it's my week at home, my week away from work, which most people think is a total luxury, but when you're away from everything and everyone for two weeks in isolation on a mine site, which is basically where fashion and culture go to die (meaning it's non existent) life can be pretty rough. To say I do not fit in is an understatement. Any way so it's my week at home and for once it's been nice and relaxing.

My nails however would have preferred I stayed at work. The reason being I went indoor rock climbing with Si (aka Simon) my newest house mate. And went bananas like a little monkey up the walls, bouldering and grappling, using muscles I forgot I had. And completely and utterly destroyed my nails they are in serious need of attention.  I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Partially because the harness's puts the male appendage shall we say at the forefront of attention, but more so because poor Si was in major discomfort by the time we had finished and continued to lament about his "aching balls" when we were in the grocery store much to the surprise of our fellow customers.

I've also been out mini golfing but the weather couldn't make up it's mind about what it wanted to do, sunshine, overcast and drizzle all vying to take out the day. We (Si and myself) stopped past the local markets and picked up some incense, Naga Champa of course and a few others, I'm personally loving the vanilla and cinnamon it smells divine.

Today was spent walking down at the local beach and the sun was shining. Hooray! Don't get me wrong I love winter but there's something about a summery day, when the lawn's freshly mown and the smell of sunscreen mingles with sweat.. I'm a true beach bunny at heart, like every West Aussie girl I think. It makes me feel alive. However the surf was rather choppy and not the best for swimming. The local surfers were out in force, all black wet suits, shiny like seals amongst the waves. So Si and myself sat perched a top the huge limestone boulders that arc out into the sea and ate ice cream and drank iced tea, watching the waves hurl themselves upon the rocks time and time again.

I'd love to discover some more fashion blogs so if any body has one, or knows of one I should look into post it via a comment and I'll have a look.

I'm off to go eat spaghetti left overs from last night and attempt to save what's left of my nails.

Little Miss C

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

They've arrived

Hello fellow blog lovers!

I came home from work today (hooray) to find not one but two packages obediently waiting my arrival.

The first was my impulse vintage red dress purchase and not only does she fit like a dream, I'm calling her Madeleine, for no real reason other than she seems like a Madeleine but I instantly knew what to pair her with ... When I find someone to take pictures they'll be getting posted. Currently my little sister is vacationing in Bali (lucky thing) so until she gets back you'll have to wait.

And the second my Balenciaga's arrived. I haven't been lucky enough to be acquainted with Balenciaga footwear until now so I ordered a 35.5. I'm usually a 5 occasionally a  6 so it seemed like a safe bet and they too fit perfectly. After lovingly caressing them for several minutes I then proceeded to dance around the house and in front of my full length mirror. In my gorgeous new shoes... and my light blue flannelette pj's with clouds printed on them. Admittedly not the outfit I envisioned, having said that I had just flown home coming straight off of night shift so comfort out did style on the priority listing particularly as I was home alone.

I'm currently still in said pj's and watching The Wedding Planner on DVD. I love the red dress Jennifer Lopez wears in the scene where she goes to dancing lessons with Steve (Eddie) and Fran.  It's funny I'll notice at least one piece of clothing in every movie (usually far more) that I love. I think about clothes in my sleep, I literally dream about fashion. The other day I had the most realistic dream about this amazing jewellery so now I'm currently scouring mags, the net, eBay and etsy for something similar to the sum of my sub conscious.  I'll find them, I know I will. I seem to wish my wardrobe desires into being.  But that's another story for another blog entry.

I'm currently waiting on a phone call from one of my house mates... And contemplating dinner. It's nearly half past nine, I should probably get on to that. One slight problem, there is no fresh produce, bread (yes I eat carbs I am a normal human being) or milk in the refrigerator. So it'll probably be a fast food job. And my belly is grumbling. I just can't be bothered moving, I haven't stopped for the past two weeks. It's going to  sound terrible but I just want someone to look after me for a while. I'm sick of being little miss independent, miss reliable... I guess I made my own bed and I should sleep in it. So I think I'm going to eat chips, read the latest editions of Lula and Peppermint magazine and watch girly movies, because I truly can not be bothered to even think. I might even cancel on catching up with my friends, I just want to be...

Does anyone else ever have these days? I feel like I should be doing something productive and amazing with every spare second of my day, but who has the energy.

Have a good night/day every one,

Love Little Miss C

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The joy of flat mates

For anyone who knows me I recently split up with the love of my life and went through the equivalent of a divorce, dividing assets, splitting up a family unit (thankfully no children were involved), have lost the majority of my hair due to stress... which is making me freak out even more, and trying to start over again. So a large part of my time lately has been involved in sourcing all the things he took when he left (pretty much everything... c'est la vie), not important things in the grand scheme of things but the empty house echoed the empty hole in my heart and made me want to crawl into a corner curl up and cry myself to sleep hopefully for eternity.

 It just seems easier not to have to face it all, doesn't it? Why face the pain everyday if you can hide from it? But you can't hide from it, not for ever. The little things creep up on you, when you roll over in the morning and he's not there. When some one else hugs you and it just doesn't quite feel the way it should. When you see a couple kiss and you just ache, knowing that there is no one waiting for you at home, no one to hold you when you're sad and what makes it worse is your sad all the time... 

Any way that's enough woe is me. I'm throwing myself into reading and writing. Films, music, art, my pets. Anything that makes me smile. I'm thankful for the gloomy weather outside, which may sound surprising but it means I don't have to make excuses for wanting to remain rugged up on the couch, or curled up in bed, reading mags, books and blogs and watching girly films all day and sleeping in. Thank god for sleep ins. Who ever wakes up early on a day off, I take my hat off  to you, but I doubt I'll ever see that day, a long relaxing lie in, stretching out in bed like a cat... Is sheer heaven.

Speaking of which brings me to a new joy flat mates, or rather I should say house mates seeing as we live in a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home rather than a flat. Two of my house mates have been with me for a little over a year now. Both girls from New Zealand. Since the ex has moved out a new man from work has moved in. A fellow Aussie. So I now have three people living in the house with me, plus my dog and my crazy nut job of a bird. The joy of house mates is they fill the space and I don't just mean literally with their bodies and the stuff they inevitably bring with them but the house just feels less empty knowing that others call it home, even if we are all periodically in and out, this house feels like a revolving door lately, but it's good, it keeps me on my toes.

The new roomie made me clear out the spare room, the junk room and guess what it was AMAZING. It felt like such a good thing to do. Decluttering, throwing out all the stuff I'd held onto for what ever reason. Yes I was ruthless, not needed out it went. I wish I'd taken before and after pictures. Because it truly is incredible. I think my mother will have a fit when she see's how good it looks.
There isn't much left to do that really needs doing. But typically I'm throwing myself into it, painting walls, scrubbing floors, doing the odd jobs that have been on a long to do list since we first moved in 1 year and 3 months ago. I even alphabetized the remaining dvds. (So maybe it's a good thing there are endless blogs on the net to occupy my time!).

Well I'm off to go scour for inspiration and my next purchases... Did I mention the endless window shopping, on line and from the pages of the magazines I love oh so much. 
And I broke my shopping fast... On shoes. On a pair of Balenciaga sandals from a few seasons ago that I've loved since the first moment I saw them.
So now I patiently await  their arrival in the post. Oh and I was naughty last night, I totally impulse bought an amazing red dress from the seventies from one of my favourite online vintage stores in Oz.
I'll make sure I post pics when they arrive! I'm celebrating and they haven't even got here yet .. Oh well.

Little Miss CZ

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm in love with the female nude

I'm in love with the female nude.

I don't think that there is anything as beautiful as the diversity that nature blesses us with. I was recently rereading and old issue of Australian Madison Magazine, (The January 2010 issue to be precise) and they had an article reflecting on how women view their own bodies and the bodies of others.

 I found the following quote from editor Paula Joye particularly memorable;

It's a real gift to be able to look at women's bodies as they truly are, and refreshing to see an accurate depiction of what we see each day in the locker room at the gym. Or at home in the mirror. How we all look before the smoke and mirrors start. Before the tummy flattening control undies, the lift and separate bra and the butt firming jeans. It's vital for us to see such representations of the everyday in the same places we visit for inspiration, yes, fashion magazines. Because beauty doesn't only lie in a photo of a gorgeous model wearing an amazing dress. You can find it in the unlikeliest of places- another woman's freckles, her thighs, a caesarean scar. Vulnerability is every girl's secret beauty weapon.

So I just thought I'd share a little bit of love for all of my fellow ladies out there and remind you, that each and every one of you is beautiful no matter what your demons maybe. Share the love and send a girlfriend, your sister, your mother who ever a message reminding her that she is beautiful.

I absolutely adore this image, I'm not sure where it originates from, I discovered it browsing the net a few months ago when I was looking for inspiration for my own nude shoot. And fell head over heels in love, if it's yours please let me know and I'll label it as yours or remove it if required. It is truly gorgeous.

Love Little Miss CZ

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Attempting to pimp out my blog

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Attempting to pimp out my blog... Why do I have to be so technologically inept? Oh blog god let my blog be beautiful... If only I knew how to make it so

Monday, June 28, 2010

Celebrating crayons

A little bit about me...

Another day, another dollar. I work in the mining industry in Western Australia. Which I know is a 'shock n horror' blow that is totally at odds with my environmentally friendly loving principles.
Unfortunately living in Western Australia is rather exspensive due to the mining resources boom the average house price in the local market is upwards of $500,000. So becoming a home owner can be rather tough. Especially when you are attempting to do it on your own.
Unfortunately for me getting into the industry was the only way I could afford to break into the market and get a mortgage, and even with that I was lucky I scored my house at the beginning of the GFC (global financial crisis for anyone who has been living under a rock) so prices were much lower than expected.

But despite working in an industry that's all about profits and completely anti the environment, the company's environmental efforts are a joke, nothing more than a transparent cloak to look like they aren't the money hungry, resource consuming monster that they are... I TRY to be a positive influence. By bringing the environment and what we can do into the workplace discourse daily. Chanting less is more. It's surprising how the people you think would be the least likely to pay attention , often surprise you.

We work on a fifo roster, which means fly in fly out, 2 weeks at work, 1 week at home. Totally the wrong equation it should be the other way around. AND I'm totally hankering to go home. One week in, one week to go. I can't wait to get my DYI and crafting on the go. Hopefully I'll be painting the house this week when I get home, organizing my paperwork, cleaning... Aaaahhh

It probably all sounds very blah and like a massive chore to most people but when you're away from home and have little else going on in your life that's positive (very recent break up of six years with my partner) it's the small things in life that you really appreciate. Generally once a year I go on these massive purges cleaning out every element of my life, clearing out all the shit that is no longer required. So I'm looking forward to it! (Spring cleaning only it's winter..)

Until I get home though all my creative urges which are being constantly fuelled by my reading books, mags, e-zines, blogs are being channelled into my writing and my latest love - Taro Gomi colouring books! Which I discovered thanks to Jane of Sea of Shoes

What I love about these colouring books is that it's not just pages of pre-formulated images to colour in, so you are forced to use your imagination. There is a lot of white space in a Taro Gomi colouring book to fill in. I like to create complete scenes filling in as much of the space as possible. It challenges you to think outside of whatever the given shapes provided are.
I'd really like to post them but at this stage I don't have a scanner and to be honest that's really the best way I think to view them, and even then you're going to lose the textural elements viewing them via the computer screen.
So that will be my next purchase! Any recommendations???

I don't think as adults we do enough of the things that we loved from our childhood. Everybody is so centred on finances. AND BELIEVE ME I GET THAT. Life is rough, but I still believe we work far too much and live too little. With everything that has happened in 2010 thus far, to live more has become one of biggest aims, to engage more, to do more things (Not buy more things which seems to be the mistake most people make). I'm currently working on making my home a sanctuary not a storage space for unnecessary belongings. I'd love to know how much people spend on storage facilities and storage gizmos every year. Who ever invented those rental storage facilities is a mastermind, a very evil genius indeed... Think of all the resources just sitting locked away... Such a waste!

Well I should be sleeping people as I'm on nightshift.
Just think, do I really NEED it the next time you go to make a purchase? Can you make a better choice? Is there a greener option- if so find it!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith

Okay onto the books!

The next few book entries will be slightly delayed in terms of the timeline from when I read them to when I post about them as I've been rather prolific with my reading lately and rather lazy with my blogging!

Did I mention I'm currently working my way through Hallie Ephron's 1001 Books for every mood, plus all the books that have been sitting on my book shelves, cupboards, bedside tables, beneath the bed... pretty much everywhere, that have been waiting patiently since I purchased them, received them as gifts etc to be lovingly gazed upon and devoured.

First off! The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith of White Teeth fame. This is one of the ones that has been waiting patiently on my shelves. The Autograph Man is one of those books I love for the smallest of details. But I must admit my first reaction upon finishing reading this book was one of disappointment.

There are so many questions left unanswered. What does the main character Alex-Li Tandem learn? I'm not that sure that he does. Perhaps only how important Esther is too him and even this is possibly too late. (Alex.. I can relate).
The only thing in Alex's life that can be deemed finalised is his quest for a Kitty. Which reaches a point of saturation. The thirst is quelled, denounced. Yet once filled the void, those spaces in between that have been left wanting in Alex's life, remain empty, life is essentially the same even though everything has changed.

But then again isn't that a true representation of life. Very little is ever truly finished in life. Or is it? The act itself maybe finished but do we ever let go of the thoughts, reasons, values that brought us too that point in the first place?
Is The Autograph Man any less of value as a text because of these representations- It is precisely because of these representations that I adore this book, it causes you to ask questions, without being so deeply entrenched in the religious and philosophical questions that you get bogged down, it's still a relatively easy read. But it's the unanswered questions that mirror the every day nature of reality that it poses for which I value this text most.

Oh.. and Alex holding the battery that powers Esther's heart, is there a more beautiful image of the fragility and futility of love?

Thrift Happy

What's inspiring me today?

Thrifting! If only I wasn't sick in bed.. Doing that age old dash bed to bathroom, bathroom to bed. Don't you love it... (Where would the world be without sarcasm?)

So I'm dreaming of uncovering hidden lovelies in the local op-shops as we refer to them here in Australia. So yes thrifting, saving something, turning something old into something 'new' and beautiful. Repurposing things and turning them on their head. I'm currently loving wearing things backwards or inside out. I'm always amazed at how beauty often turns up in the most unexpected places. I'm a crazy romantic, I love everything fantastical.

But here it is ... shame... I am a hoarder. Yes I admit it. My ex would probably class that as something of a break through. Now let me say I'm not one of those unfortunate people that you see on the tv who hoard to the point where they are unable to walk around their own houses or without any form of discernment to what they hoard.

No I just have an unhealthy appetite for books, magazines and clothes. I recently decided to pick up all the clothes that are lying around here and there in my place. Upon doing so I discovered two things, firstly I do not own anywhere near enough coat hangers and secondly that I have FAR too many clothes. Not that I'm about to admit that to my mother. Nor am I likely to never buy another piece of clothing or an accessory again. I am honest enough to admit that I enjoy being a consumer, even if I am an environmentally friendly minded one. I am currently trying not too though, I'm even trying to stay away from my beloved vintage... Oh Etsy and Ebay taunt me at every turn.

I've also made a vow to cull my books. (Calm down fellow book lovers) By asking the question "Am I ever going to read this again, honestly?" If the answer is a resounding No, then it's off to market they go. The swap market that is. The simplifying is not about money, although it wont go astray. It's just about simplifying my life. I feel like we've all become too bigger consumers. We have more stuff than we'll ever possibly need.

A perfect example of this presented itself too me the other day when I visited my parents place, I was looking to borrow a DVD when I stumbled upon a favourite movie of mine, Girl,Interrupted. Still in the plastic wrapping! They've never even watched it and have no idea how long ago they bought it.. Which means it's been on the shelf for well over a year. Crazyness. I'm sure most of us can identify something like this within our own lives, a dress we've bought and never worn, a kitchen gadget we've never used.. Now I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with wanting beautiful things in our lives. But we do really need so much stuff? Maybe we need to revaluate our definition of the words need and beauty....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Return from the dead

Ok so I completely lost my notebook with my passwords that I had set up for this blog and the matching email account and in turn produced possibly the slowest moving blog on the net.

But after a massive bust up with my partner of six years (My own stupid, stupid fault..) I had to do a bit of organizing in terms of paper work, bank loans and losing half a house worth of belongings... (mainly it's the demise of my relationship I am still lamenting) I am a complete freaking idiot. For any one who's ever even thought about it do not cheat if you are not prepared to lose the person you love over it. That is all I am going to say on the matter. Like I said freaking idiot of the year headed my way any hoo... That's not for public consumption any more than it has already become, I discovered to my joy (there has to be a little bit of joy no matter how badly your run has turned)my notebook with my passwords...

So a return to blogging is inevitable.

Where do I start except to say that I have been reading voraciously to help with the stress and sadness of my break up. Books, zines, e-zines, blogs you name it I'm there. There are some amazing blogs out there I must say. I'm looking into buying a decent camera to help me document my life, for both my blog and my own personal reasons. So hopefully there will be some amazing images coming to this space soon.

If anyone has any recommendations for cameras- digital, SLR I'm thinking, please let me know! I"m open to doing a bit of hands on research but any pointers in the right direction would be amazing.